New WLI-Asia Membership

Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia (RRC-EA) is now open for new WLI-Asia membership.

The mission for WLI-Asia network is facilitating the CEPA and Network activities to make this network robust. Based on agreement at the 6th WLI-Asia conference which was held on 7 November 2017 in Saga, Japan, the secretariat requested to develop the network and strengthen membership.

In this regard we would like to open new membership for former and potential WLI-Asia network members. Not only the wetland center that are established near a wetland and provide information, interpretation, education, and activities on wetlands and wetland conservation to visitors but also any institution or organization that facilitates program on wetland and wetland conservation that may be considered as WLI-Asia members. For former members, we encourage you to renew your membership through this opportunity.

Besides we are also please to share the first publication of Inventory Book on Wetland Centers in Asia. The contents of this book are based on the survey have done from March 2017 to January 2018. If you joined the survey, please browse the result and kindly join the membership for further cooperation and opportunity with WLI-Asia network. This inventory book will be updated quarterly from next year and will include the renewed/new WLI-Asia members based on the submitted membership application documents. The inventory book would be one of the benefits for WLI-Asia members but also be a good pathway to promote your wetland center and explore other wetland centers in Asia.

We welcome all wetland centers in East, South, and Southeast Asia as its first phase to join the membership of WLI-Asia network and look forward to communicating with you for our wetlands and people.

Please join the WLI-Asia Network through submitting the completed set of application document to